2 elementary school students approached by strange man

Huffman School District: Security high

HOUSTON – Residents in the Huffman School District are on alert after two young girls said a man tried to lure them into his truck.

The students, who attend Ben Bowen Early Childhood Center Elementary, said they were walking together near the school Thursday afternoon when a man driving a red truck stopped and asked them to get inside. The girls ran away and the driver took off.

Parent Albert Gonzalez said he just heard about the incident Friday. He said he's going to use this opportunity to talk to his children about stranger danger.

"It's sad. It's sad that the kids have to watch out for that kind of stuff," said Gonzalez. "You have to teach them about these things at a very young age. If you don't, it's bad sometimes."

The school district reported the incident to the Harris County Sheriff's office.

Extra security was assigned to patrol the elementary school Friday afternoon.

The campus is located next to other Huffman schools, so many parents of children in the area said they are concerned.

"It's just a matter of teaching them don't talk to strangers and stuff like that," said Barbara Bowen, a concerned grandmother. "It's not unusual. It does happen. You can't guard everybody."

The school district sent a recorded phone call to parents warning them about the incident.

Many parents say they will use this opportunity to talk to their children about stranger danger.

The school district says security will remain high until danger is over, but they are also encouraging parents to keep talking to their children

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