Katy man headed to record books for half-marathon run with baby

HOUSTON – A Katy father is on his way to getting his name in the Guinness Book of World Records for running the fastest half marathon competition while pushing a stroller.

With world record keepers watching at the Katy Half Marathon, the coveted title depended on his toddler's temper.

“During the race she was cooing, clapping, babbling, having an absolute blast,” Calum Neff said. “She got a little fussy around mile 11, and had that been in the first mile I probably would've called off the run and tried to give her a bottle or something.”

Motivated to calm baby Holland with what she wanted, her mom, Neff ran for the finish line to claim the title he wanted, the fastest anyone has ever competitively run with a stroller.

“We actually ended up winning overall!”

At 1:11:27, Neff beat the previous world record time for this half marathon (with a stroller) by more than a minute.

“Not too far behind what I can run without a stroller, surprisingly,” Neff said.

And in the end, “I was chick'd!” Neff laughed, referring to the phrase used when a male athlete loses to a female.

Since Holland crossed the finish line first, she gets the glory.

“When we finished, they went to put the medal around my neck but it went straight to Holly, she's the real winner of the race that day… and of course, it went straight into her mouth,” Neff said.

Neff has filed all the paperwork with the Guinness Book of World Records. Since it was an official race, and there’s lots of video proof, he anticipates getting the certified world record title soon.

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