First week of fall feels like summer

Rain enters the picture by late week

HOUSTON – Fall officially began at 9:49 a.m. Saturday, so where is the fall weather? 

A cold front came through early last week and brought us a refreshing, albeit brief, preview of the season just as summer was winding to a close.  Now that we're in the first full week of autumn, Mother Nature has decided that we're not quite through with summer just yet.  All the cool air will be bottled up to our north, leaving us with increasingly humid conditions and, eventually, the chance for rain later in the week.

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The weather pattern won't change much for the rest of the week.  As we get more Gulf moisture migrating into southeast Texas between now and the weekend, a series of disturbances will drift through the state and, by Friday and Saturday, they will exploit all the available moisture to bring us a decent chance for rain.  The timing may not be the greatest as the rain will come when most of us are finishing the work week and starting the weekend.  On the bright side, though, we can always use a shot of rain to keep us out of a drought situation.

Rainfall totals are a little hard to predict this far in advance, but totals in the range of 1/2 inch to 1 inch look to be a good early guess.  The best chance for rain this week will come on Friday and Saturday.  On Sunday, a weak cool front should drift in from the northwest and push a lot of the moisture out of here, bringing us a modest return to drier, more fall-like weather.

In the meantime, expect temperatures to hover in the low 70s when you wake up to near 90 degrees by mid-afternoon.  Once we start seeing rain late in the week, afternoon highs will likely be held in the mid-80s. 

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