We need this stuff

I have lately been listening to satellite radio. It came with a used car I bought and I am sure one day it will be finished but in the meantime, I listen.

I know the others who listen to the 5,000 channels have thought the same thing. We are in bad shape when it comes to snoring or re financing our home loan. Every disease known to modern medicine has a cure that doesn't require a note from the doctor. It is not available in stores and if we hurry we get a free vase with our flowers. All these spots are starting to run together. ESPN'S various channels lead the league in commercial breaks. Sometimes the host  or hosts can't complete a sentence without pitching something. The local guys often can't complete a sentence, but that is another deal. 

I KNOW for certain we guys have one serious dilelmma. We suddenly can't shave without joining a club of shavers. Brett Favre is a spokesman for one such brand of razors. I might take him at his word if he didn't sport a beard. Some guy named Harry started a club. I think his marketing people should have called him Hairy. He claims to have German steel in his product. Unless i have him confused with another men's product. The Dollar Shave Club costs several dollars. Even that weirdo who runs the PAWN SHOP IN VEGAS is trying to sell us the old dollar edge razor we were issued in Boot Camp. Sorry Bud. I doubt those things still work without a plasma bottle.

Gillette and Schick must feel the heat as they continue to come out with another new product every 5 days. I think I SAW A RAZOR with 7 blades and built in lubricant. It was in Walgreens. Right next to the Band Aids. Go Rockets.

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