Should you have separate clothes and shoes to wear in public during the coronavirus crisis?

HOUSTON – A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed coronavirus can live on cardboard for 24 hours and on stainless steel and plastic for up to three days. It can live on soft surfaces for even longer. It’s possible the virus can survive on synthetic materials for as long as five days.

When studying shoes, scientists have determined the sole of a shoe is the main breeding ground for bacteria, fungi and viruses and many people conclude that your shoes could potentially be carrying something that could make you sick. Your chances are higher if you’re wearing them in busy areas like supermarkets, airports or public transportation.

The University of Houston did a similar study looking at where inside your home bacteria from your shoes exist. They found in the doorways is where most germs accumulate, which is why some experts recommend leaving them in the garage or outside.

If you're in healthcare or working closely with the public, it's advised that you have clothes and shoes you wear at work and don't bring them into your house.

It's not a guarantee this will make you sick, it's just being extremely cautious during these uncertain times.

The other areas around your home that can carry a lot of germs: phone cases, door handles, computer keyboards and toilets. Clean these with alcohol or bleach.

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