Daily Craig: Lace those sneakers

HOUSTON – For much of the time two years ago I called NRG Stadium, NERG Stadium. The reason was simple. Reliant made sense and then they changed the name. Then the Texans won only two home games. I went back to its given name when the team won more than two at home last season.

Now the place that had a COPA semifinal soccer game and Ringling Brothers is going to be home to one of the biggest deals this summer. It just happens to be on the same day as the opening of Texans training camp.

Yep, NRG has the sneaker summit. In fact, the advance discount ticket sale has already ended. I had to find out what is involved. The website told me it is the biggest one-day sneaker convention in the world. Too bad I missed out on the early bird tickets. I can still spend up to 60 bucks American to get the VIP package. The catch for all of us who ever laced up a pair of Converse All-Stars years before Air Jordans were ever born is thus: We can experience "The 50 moments that changed Sneaker Culture Forever."

I don't know about you but I am passing on the Texans first workout. I can only think of one or two things that changed my sneaker culture. One of those was getting some free shoes from Nike and then some free shoes from the Astros when they cut a guy who wore my size 10. I wonder what the other 48 might be.

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