Rescue group helps dying dog live out bucket list

HOUSTON – A dog dying from heartworms is spending his last few days living out a bucket list designed by a rescue group.

The name founder Casey Keller gave him is King, because she wanted him to live his remaining days like a king.

King is a blue pit bull, about 4 years old, who was rescued by Kelller after she learned he was slated to be euthanized at the Harris County Animal Shelter.

Keller runs a rescue group called Houston Street Dogs.

King is dying of heartworms after apparent neglect by previous owners.

"The great things about dogs is (that) they live in the moment," Keller said. "He's not mad at his previous owners. He's not worried about what's going to happen. He's just enjoying the time that he has left."

And enjoying it like a king after Keller decided to make the pooch a bucket list. Much of it so far has revolved around food. King has been fork-fed pork and even dined on shrimp.  King's favorite day, though, may have been down in Freeport.

"It's the first time at the beach, I'm pretty sure, based on his reaction," Keller said. "He had a good time there playing in the sand."

But what King has seemed to crave the most is love, something he likely was never showered with until now. To give and receive it, even if it lasts only a few more days.

"I try not to cry in front of him, because dogs can sense when people are upset," Keller said.  "And the whole point of this is I don't want him to be upset. I don't want him to have any more sadness in his life."

Keller said King was examined by a vet on Saturday. That vet said King likely only had three days to live. Keller said she will take him to be put down when he appears to be suffering too much.

Right now they've accomplished 37 items on the bucket list.

Click here to follow King's story.

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Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.

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