When to replace your running shoes

HOUSTON – Footwear specialist at Luke’s Locker Christina Rodriguez said brand, color and comfort are not the only things to consider when selecting running shoes.

“It's really important to get the right fit on shoes, the right sock, in order to make it as enjoyable an experience as possible,” she said.
“You can't really do much as far as changing somebody's running gait, but you can do things to help improve it.”

For people who need arch support, she says optimal running shoes have a wider sole.

“If you look in the midfoot area, you'll see it's a wider fit here so it supports the part of the foot that collapses in,” Rodriguez said.

She also points out there is a dense section right under the arch, it’s sometimes colored/patterned differently and feels hard.  You'll want to shop for that if your ankles roll inward.

“It’s called a denser stability posting so anytime anyone is running, if they roll in, it’s going to push them more into a neutral position.”

Neutral is always the goal! A straightforward running gait helps runners avoid injuries.

“Because if you don’t do that, then the tendency for ankles to roll in during long distances, it can be pretty detrimental,” Rodriguez said.

An injury could mean you miss the races you've likely already invested time and money into.
Not to mention the money on shoes, which Luke’s Locker said are an investment, but they can last for hundreds of miles.

“I would say anywhere between 250 to 400 miles depends on the amount of cushion and the frequency of a person's workout. So, maybe average 350, but you want to set yourself a range depending on weight of shoe and how often you're training,” Rodriguez said.

If you're training for a half marathon, that means new shoes every few months or less.  If you're doing moderate exercise (less than 10 miles a week) they can last longer.

Some fitness apps now total the mileage you run, so runners can use that to monitor the 250-400 miles.

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