Alkaline diet can aid in kidney health, doctors say

The Alkaline diet is marketed on drinks, water and known to be high in many different foods (broccoli, asparagus, avocado, tomato). This is not just another trend, this diet could actually help save lives.

"I had no idea, I thought I had kidney stones and in fact I had failing kidneys along with the kidney stones," David Kassing explained the reason he chose to eat foods high in Alkaline.

When Baylor College of Medicine, Dr.Sreedhar Mandayam, diagnosed Kassing with stage 4 kidney disease Kassing jumped on his opportunity to eat foods high in Alkaline because the doctor said it was his best shot at reversing his path to dialysis.

"We see that people that have kidney disease often end up having bone turnover and osteoporsis, they also end up having muscle weakness, they sometimes have neurologic problems. Increasing Alkaline intake and keeping their blood less acidic apparently helps to a large extent," Mandayam said.

Even though they taste very acidic, Mandayam said citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges), even store bought lemonade, are very beneficial because it can neutralize acid in your body and be gentle on your kidneys.

While celebrities and personal trainers may encourage this diet as a way to detoxify your system, Mandayam said there's no proof it will help you lose weight or prevent cancer.

"There's a lot of benefits people are claiming for the Alkaline diets that are not supported clearly," he said.

There is proof of good health for patients like Kassing who swears he never veers off the Alkaline diet and his kidneys have improved. He said now he eats salad only with vinegar dressings, lots of asparagus and grilled fish.

"By the looks of tests, it's continuing to improve over the last year and a half," he said.

The diet does not recommend red meat, processed or canned meat. Grilled turkey, chicken and fish are the recommended meats for the diet.

There is a wide range of fruits, nuts, vegetables and juices on the Alkaline food chart.

Here's one example of an Alkaline food chart.

Mandayam said the diet is beneficial for people battling kidney stones, some diabetics and people with chronic kidney disease (with the exception of foods like bananas for advanced patients) but it is important to consult with your doctors about all diet routines.

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